This wold also has some houses from risastorm: Here - Here - Here - Here - Here - Here - Here - Here - Here. I believe all of these houses are CC free, but I just wanted to link them all c
This world also consists of some houses by plumbponette: Here - Here Not CC free, so be sure to download these houses! Houses: This world consists of some of the berry sweet houses by whitsims: Here - Here Not CC free, so be sure to download these houses!
I also used some things from Town Life and Master Suite. This save has been made by tinkerbelch and me, but this save also has a couple of sims from other simblrs: eluben - usedtoplaysims - whynotsims - trancegemini - romeo-and-simulet - simsheaven and shipofsims~ĮP and SP’s: I used almost every EP that is out there. A berry sweet save of the amazing world called Aelview made by emperorsims!