Galaxy on Fire takes place in a fictional galaxy ruled by four major factions (the pioneering Terrans, the conservative Nivelians, the defiant Midorians and the belligerent Vossk) and centers around Keith T. There is also a MMO in the series, labelled Galaxy on Fire: Alliances, based around battling, claiming planets, solar systems, and including a clan system. There are a number of different ports and versions of the game, including Galaxy on Fire 2 HD for iPhone, iPad, Galaxy on Fire 2 for older iOS devices, Galaxy on Fire 2 Full HD for Mac and Windows PC, Galaxy on Fire 2 THD for Tegra2 devices, and Galaxy on Fire 2 for the Xperia Play. Galaxy on Fire 3: Manticore is the same game as Galaxy on Fire 3, but developed for Nintendo. The series consists of Galaxy on Fire 3D, Galaxy On Fire 2, its two add-ons: Valkyrie and Supernova, Galaxy on Fire Alliances and Galaxy on Fire 3. Galaxy on Fire is a series of 3D space trading and combat simulation video games by Hamburg/Germany-based mobile games developer Fishlabs.